Betel Oil

Betel Oil is extracted from the leaf of the betel plant that lies native to Asia and grows as a tropical vine. It bears a fresh, earthy aroma and is renowned for its benefits in the field of aromatherapy. This essential oil boosts mental clarity and aids indigestion. Get in touch with Shiv Sales, a leading Betel Oil manufacturer & supplier, and experience the benefits of working with a top-notch natural oils supplier in India.

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  • Botanical Name: Piper Betel L
  • Other Name: Pan, Betel Leaf
  • Country Of Origin: India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia
  • Colour: Amber Red, Dark Brown
  • Odour: Spicy, Medicinal, Sweet, Fresh
  • Refractive Index: 1.5073-1.5296
  • Optical Rotation: -1.5° To -4°
  • Specific Gravity: 0.9600-1.0009
  • Solubility: In Alcohol & Carrier Oils
  • Extraction Methods: Hydro Distillation, Hydro Steam Distillation
  • Parts Used: Leaf
  • Major Constituents: Iso-Eugenol, Eugenol, Methyl Chavicol, B-Caryophyllene
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