Explore our range of Spice Oil

Spice oils are the oils extracted from the spices at the initial stage (before they undergo solvent extraction) using the steam distillation process. These oils are volatile and highly concentrated in nature and possess the flavor, characteristics, beneficial properties and aroma of the spice they are obtained from.

They have many useful properties that have served humans for many years. Improved heart health, controlled sugar level, relief from nausea and pain, enhanced immunity, and reduced cramps are some of the many benefits of spice oils.

Shiv Sales is the leading spice oils supplier that extracts spice oils from many natural spices. We ensure that all our spice oils do not lose the characteristic aroma and properties of the spices they are extracted from. Our high-quality oils can be used in many industries for different purposes. Check out our wonderful range of spice oils below and make your choice now!

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