
Custom Formulations

Shiv Sales is one of the leading natural oils manufacturers that offers a wide range of customized natural and essential oils to help businesses establish their product range in the market.

Due to the increase in demand for unique and customized products in the modern essential oil industry, custom essential oils manufacturing services are becoming increasingly popular. As a trusted essential oil manufacturer, we took this as an opportunity to expand our service offerings.

As of today, we help our clients introduce unique products in the market, and that too under their flagship. The ability to manufacture and supply custom essential oils based on the clients’ specific requirements is what sets us apart from our competitors.

Creating Custom Essential Oils: A Blend of Art and Wellness

Crafting custom essential oils is similar to creating unique art because each oil has different properties and different positive effects on people. Have you seen an artist mixing beautiful colors to draw a wonderful piece of art? Yes, that’s exactly how we blend different essential oils based on your specifications to develop something that is not just unique but also amazing.

Like other essential oil manufacturers, we do not develop oils that only smell nice. We create oils that actually offer numerous therapeutic benefits including improved mental health, clear skin, etc. Think of us as a skilled chef who only uses the best ingredients to make the treats (essential oils) that you want.

From Initial Consultation to Final Creation: Your Journey to Unique Essential Oils

Each essential oil is known for offering different benefits. For instance, rose essential oil eases pain and provides relief from menstrual discomfort, and tea tree essential oil helps with acne. It means that the custom essential oils manufacturing process is not simple, as choosing the right ingredients is the same as choosing the best notes for a music track.

The right essential oil formulation, or we can say the perfect blend of essential oils, cannot happen without experimenting. Therefore, we try to use different ingredients until we find the perfect oil combinations to make the best products. However, the real magic happens when we consider the emotions each oil brings when creating custom oil formulations.

Whenever we manufacture essential oils for our business or customize them for our clients, our goal is to develop quality oils that our clients can use to win over the consumers. We think about crafting those perfect formulations to fulfill your unique requirements.

However, the formulation depends on various factors such as your special requests, list of ingredients, price range, and many more. After consultation with our expert team about the custom formulation of products, we can provide you with some samples. It will give you an idea of what your unique formulation will be like. After that, when you have also decided on the packaging and label design, we will finally start with the essential oil manufacturing process.

Why Choose Shiv Sales for Your Unique Formulations?

At Shiv Sales, we consider and use the benefits of essential oils to transform custom oil formulations into mood-enhancing elixirs. We have 25+ years of experience in manufacturing and supplying health & wellness products such as Essential Oils, Carrier Oils, Herbal Dry & Liquid Extracts, Mint Oils, Aromatic Compounds, and more. This experience allows us to manufacture diverse products and oils with extensive appeal.

Since we have state-of-the-art facilities and warehouses, we aim to utilize everything that we have to create premium quality custom essential oils that never fail to captivate senses and emotions. Another factor that makes us stand out is that we always create custom formulations while keeping in mind that we need to make the product useful and unique.

Besides following a one-size-fits-all approach, we go far and beyond to create custom essential oil blends to ensure all our clients get exactly what they want from us. So, for us, being one of the most reputable custom formulation manufacturers & suppliers is like being a chef who makes different treats for different people. Below are some more reasons why you should trust us for your custom essential oil needs:

  • 100% natural and organic ingredients
  • Tips on the perfect formulations and oil blends
  • Countless formulation options
  • Formulations backed by extensive research
  • The right balance of all ingredients

In a nutshell, our custom essential oil blends can help you establish your brand name in the market and attract customers.

Partner with Us Today And Get Essential Oils Tailored to Your Needs

All our custom essential oils are manufactured in high-end facilities using the latest technology. It ensures that our products are safe, potent, sustainable and affordable. We pride ourselves on sourcing the finest ingredients from reputable sources. Moreover, since we work closely with our distributors and focus on customers, we make sure that each of our custom essential oils is created and packaged with precision and care.

Our dedication to ensuring world-class quality encourages us to set the highest quality standards and consistently follow rigorous product testing. And this is exactly how we aim to win over our clients. We believe in collaborating with our team while formulating personalized essential oils so that we can bring your unique ideas into reality. All you need to do is inform us about your dream products and we will help you formulate the exact same products.

You see? It is as simple as that! Besides all the technical things, our effort in finding the best ingredients and crafting unique formulations is what makes us stand out as the best custom essential oil manufacturer.

Each bottle of oil that we offer contains memories and not just oils. That’s because we do not only provide natural and essential oils based on your unique needs, We offer you a piece of our journey. In short, we try to utilize all the best manufacturing, designing and packaging practices in our customized formulations. It is another quality that makes us shine in a market full of essential oil manufacturers.