Published April 17, 2024

What are Essential Oils In Skincare?

The first impression is always the last impression. This is a very common adage and we all understand and realise how true it is. So, skincare has become an even more essential and integral part of our daily routine as we all have to keep on meeting new people every day and have to be very presentable at all times. Not only women, but nowadays men also, indulge in skincare because they have to look presentable and the awareness for having healthy-looking skin has doubled in the past few years. Spas and salons are growing all over the world and are thronged by people of various age groups who need to have a good skincare routine in order to feel good and presentable. With this growing trend, essential oils have become the latest craze in skincare and their usage in cosmetics has increased. People read the ingredients of skincare products and cosmetics before buying to ensure they are taking away the best. And even if the price of any skincare or cosmetic product that is essential oil-based, is a little in the higher range, they opt for it without thinking twice because they know they are worth the best.

The History Of Essential Oils

Essential oils have been used since 4500 BC. They were used by Egyptians for cosmetic purposes and also for medicinal purposes. All over the world, in several ancient cultures, essential oils have been regularly used for skin care. The role of essential oils in skincare is vital. Adding, a few drops of essential oils to your daily skincare routine can give a glowing, acne-free skin. They also have detoxifying and alkalising properties which can do a great job for dull and tired skin. Orange essential oil, Ylang Ylang essential oil, Neroli essential oil, Carrot seed essential oil, Chamomile oil, etc, have many benefits for skincare. They are collagen boosting, hydrating, contain Vitamin C and antioxidants, reduce acne and much more. Thus, essential oils have made their way into the skincare regime with their variety of benefits and less side effects.

Why Use Essential Oils In Cosmetics?

● Multiple Skincare Properties

Essential oils are good sources of antioxidants and possess anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti- bacterial, anti-microbial and antiseptic properties. Due to such a wide range of benefits provided by the essential oils besides their specific uses, they are widely used in cosmetics. They have a very positive impact on our physical and mental well-being which is an added benefit. However, it is important to remember that the quality of the essential oils that are being used is appropriate, otherwise it could lead to harmful effects and can bring about problems of serious concern.

● Multiple Skincare Benefits

Out of many, the most common essential oils used in cosmetics are lemon, lavender, eucalyptus, tea tree, basil, blue lotus, clary sage, sandalwood, grapefruit, rosemary, and peppermint essential oils. These oils help in reducing inflammation, combatting acne, pimples, and skin irritation. These essential oils also help in hydrating, moisturising, replenishing and rejuvenating the skin. For example, orange essential oil is used in cosmetics for multiple benefits. It enhances collagen production and also increases blood flow to the skin. Orange essential oil aids in soothing dry, irritated skin and is also helpful in relieving other skin conditions. Orange essential oil is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. Due to this quality, it is used in skin cleansing creams, serums, and facewashes.

● Can Be Added To Multiple Skincare Items

Essential oils are used in nightcreams, daycreams, serums, scrubs, facewashes, and moisturising lotions to enhance the quality and tone of the skin. They also impart a glow to the skin reducing dark spots, tightening the skin, rejuvenating the skin, and replenishing it. Anti-ageing and collagen-boosting properties of some essential oils have increased their demand in the market. The market for essential oils is on the rise. It is speculated that in the next few years, it will be one of the leading items in the export and import business. Whether we are buying in bulk quantity or are buying one or two pieces at a time, it is imperative to ensure the quality of the essential oil. The key factor is to make sure whether it is ISO-certified or not. To get the best quality essential oil, you can opt for Shiv Sales, which is one of the best natural essential oil suppliers in India.

The Benefits Of Using Essential Oils In Cosmetics

Essential oils have a wide range of uses. They are primarily used in cosmetics because they are anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and antiseptic. They act as natural preserving agents also. Moreover, they are used for :

  • Stimulating cell regeneration
  • Detoxifying pores
  • Alleviating itchiness of dry skin
  • Removes tiredness of skin
  • Collagen boosting
  • Preventing wrinkles
  • Anti- ageing quality
  • Improving skin tone
  • Tightening skin
  • Preventing stretch marks
  • Removing excess oil
  • Rejuvenating damaged and tired skin

Due to these multiple benefits, wholesale essential oils suppliers have reaped huge benefits in the last few years. Essential oils are secrets to many skin problems, and as the pollution scenario is worsening and leaving a heavy impact on the skin, people are more and more into essential oils to relieve stress, dirt and pollution from their skin.

Which Essential Oils Are Used In Cosmetics?

Rosemary, lemon, lavender, sandalwood, blue lotus, eucalyptus, tea tree, clary sage, peppermint, basil, chamomile, geranium, carrot seed, neroli, rose, frankincense, grapefruit, angelica archangelica, bergamot, lemongrass, myrrh, anise, ylang ylang, cinnamon, clove, cedarwood, cistrose, myrtle, manuka, rosewood, yetiver —– are some of the essential oils used in cosmetics. Sometimes two or more two essential oils may be used in a cosmetic product. However, it is important to note that some of the essential oils may not go well with some medical conditions like hypertension, epilepsy, allergy, hay fever, pregnancy, etc. In such cases, it is recommended to take the advice of an aromatherapist or take the advice of a doctor before using either the essential oils by themselves or any cosmetic product having essential oils.

Few Final Words

The global essential oils market is expected to grow and reach a value of $ 15.3 billion by 2027. With the need for alternative medicine with no or very few side effects, the growing hospitality business, increased awareness, the need to have a presentable look, and protection from pollution and ultraviolet rays of the sun, the market of essential oils is booming day by day. Recently, synthetic product-based cosmetics have been sidelined by essential oil-based cosmetics. Consumers understand and realise the negative impact of synthetic products and cosmetics. So, instead of synthetic-based products and cosmetics, they prefer essential oil-based cosmetics by the best herbal extracts exporters in India. In a world that has always been attached to Mother Nature for its survival and sustenance, it is not at all, therefore, surprising that people are now reverting back to ancient practices and traditions of skincare.